Posted in A new Twist in life

Raw meat

i just thought of the weekend is the best time for stores to put out their less fresh stuff items because most people do their shopping on the weekend or government food stamp days. That’s like Xmas once a month you wait all month for that date to get what you want. But stores can push their worst cuts of meat or expiring because it doesn’t stay on the shelves on a weekend

Posted in A new Twist in life


Trading cards is a bad hobby for me to take on just because I picked up some valuable one at the goodwill I have to sort them by brand, type, style,order by numbers and colors and teams and by sport and value each top loading page is carefully counted out like a puzzle with the amount of team’s cards counted so I get all the slots filled without mixing up any order. Tell me that’s not fucked up.and what’s worse is im learning the most useless in my opinion facts sports facts names teams accomplishments value of the persons who’s worth more as a card a fucking damned sports primarily baseball my least liked sport ever I can’t think of one I hate more!!ugh the stress!!